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    The world’s leading measure of emotional intelligence

    Welcome to the EQi-2.0 Emotional Intelligence Assessment and guidance plan. It offers research proven solutions for handling your relationships and your emotions in ways that cause you to thrive. The program will enhance your interpersonal ability, help you face pressures of life with confidence and mental clarity, resolve conflicts more adaptively, handle difficult people and situations with less distress, be a more respected and favored by people and give you a stronger sense of emotional resilience and happiness.

    The EQ-i 2.0 program does it by giving you a non-judgmental way of understanding of your strengths and potential areas for development. It’s not a traditional psychological test that labels you with a diagnosis. It’s a well researched skill improvement program that shows you how to make your life better by increasing your emotional intelligence so you can face difficult people and situations successfully. 

    The EQ-i 2.0 plan is administered by by Jeff Rindt, M.A. LPC BCN,  a certified Emotional Intelligence facilitator, with 35 years of experience working with diverse populations of adults, families and young people as well as Professional Athletic teams and Fortune 500 executives. 

    You begin by responding to 133 statements related to emotional intelligence skills, which takes approximately twenty minutes.

    Once you’ve completed your EQ inventory, Jeff will give  you customized results and offer real life strategies for improving your emotional intelligence quotient. Such guidance has been shown to foster better relationship skills, more effective leadership capability, increased competency for resolving conflict and solving problems and more success in your life and work. In fact, those who score highly on The EQ-i 2.0 re-test, exhibit an increased sense of well-being, higher favorability ratings, more influential impact on others and an average increase in income of 29,000. per year compared with those who don’t have these competencies.

    Your report provides a detailed interpretation of how effectively you are using the 15 EQ competencies and how, by balancing these competencies, you can significantly improve your well-being, workplace and leadership performance, interpersonal relationships and communication.

    Emotional Intelligence assess,emt and guidance is incredibly helpful. It doesn’t just show you where you’re at.  It provides insight in how to be better.

    It’s inexpensive, accurate, research based and proven to work in everyday situations for the rest of your life. 

    It’s applicable to professionals, parents, families and youth.

    15 Competencies that increase your Emotional Intelligence 


    People who become Emotionally Intelligent are in demand. 

    When we increase our emotional intelligence we understand and express ourselves better and we do a better job of understanding and relating with others. We learn to cope with daily pressures without getting stuck in procrastination or over-reacting. We become more self-aware of how others perceive us. We understand our strengths and weaknesses, and learn to express our feelings and thoughts non-corrosively.

    To be emotionally intelligent means we have the ability to manage our emotions so that they work for us and not against us. We learn to be a positive influence and to be self-motivated. We become more aware of others’ emotions and needs, and learn how to establish and maintain cooperative, constructive and mutually meaningful relationships. It means we can deal with change by coping with an immediate situation, solving personal and interpersonal problems and making decisions as needs arise. Finally, it means we learn how to inspire the best in others and ourselves and to see life as a growth experience, not just a fight for survival.


    What EQi-2.0 Assessments do you are offer?

    There are 3 different assessments available

    1. The EQ-i 2.0 Individual Assessment

    2. The EQi-2.0 360 report for families or leadership groups 

    3. The EQi-Youth Assessment for young people (ages 7-18). 

    How much does the program cost?

    The first EQi-2.0 individual assessmemt and interpretive meeting with Jeff Rindt, M.A. LPC BCN is 360. 

    Each EQ-i session thereafter is 150. The re-test fee is TBA.

    Call for reduced pricing on the EQi-360 and the EQi-Youth test. 918.742.2600

    How do you take the test?

    Online via a secure website accessed through an email link Jeff sends to you when you book your EQi Assessment and follow up interpretive meeting.  . 


    How long does the test take?

    The EQi-2.0 Test has 133 questions and takes about 20-30 minutes to complete


    How many one on one sessions are required?

    We customarily recommend 4 to 6 sessions (including the first interpretive session, depending on the individual and their progress). The last session requires a re-test to measure improvement. Some people elect to do more sessions when they see what improved emotional intelligence can do for them. 


    How do I sign up?

    Call Jeff Rindt with Thrive Consulting at 918.742.2600 to book an appointment and receive an email link to take the test. Finish the test at least 3 days before your first appointment.  Pay for the test and the first appointment up front ($360.)


    What else is the EQi-2.0 Assessment helpful for?

    Besides personal and business settings, it’s excellent for evaluating new hires in business, helping existing families and/or leadership teams work together more effectively (with the benefit of a 360 test) and it’s helpful for young people ages 7-18 (with the benefit of a youth test).


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